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Why have wealth management firms struggled to simplify the advisor and investor experience?

This is How Much Money Employees Need to Retire

How much are employees targeting to save for their retirement? There is no lack of suggested targets for the amount Americans need to retire — as we can see below — but what is the right amount for employees and clients to save, taking into account their unique circumstances?

Starting next year, Medicare Advantage plans will be able to add restrictions on expensive, injectable drugs administered by doctors to treat cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, macular degeneration and other serious diseases.

[Video] Turn the Tide Towards Respect

The voyage to a more inclusive, respectful workplace starts with a great overview training film. We recommend “How Was Your Day?“ Getting Real about Bias, Inclusion, Harassment and Bullying as the place to start. Learning professionals agree: this 8-time award-winning film introduces the topics of bias and inclusion to your staff in an engaging way.

As the media landscape continues to fracture and transform, now is the perfect time to become your own publisher. However, it takes a serious commitment to do it right.

Van driving, roofing, police work - all jobs for men. At least, that’s what a cluster of job ads placed on Facebook seemed to suggest.

A cohesive corporate culture, an environment of continuous learning, committed and engaged employees—these talent triumphs are hard to come by.

E-SPORTS, once viewed as a quirky niche pastime, has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, and Singtel is serious about carving out a slice of that growing pie.

Motion graphics are a cost-effective avenue when incorporating video in your employee communications and training efforts. Perhaps the greatest challenge motion graphic videos present to development teams is choice.

It’s a company that regularly collects Best Place to Work accolades and is known for its enviable employee perks. But ask Facebook’s senior benefits director what she is most proud of, and the answer might surprise you: being at the middle of the pack when it comes to benefits.

Employees snoozing through your videos? Follow our simple tips and your audience will stand up and cheer.

With employee wellness high on employers’ to-do lists as the look to not only cut health care expenses but improve productivity and recruit and retain top talent.

Machine learning algorithms are used to cater to learners and achieve better learning outcomes. But with this new technology comes a responsibility for learning leaders to actively engage in the decision-making process and safeguard the practice.

Branding and drumming up business are accentuated by interaction, and the professional network is ideal for just that. Not sure how to make the most of the platform? Have a look.

Now is the time to re-engineer your business to separate yourself from the carriers and to formally serve your clients.

Corporate culture and its direct byproduct, employee engagement, play a critical role in organizational success. But just because a strong culture and engaged employees are important doesn’t mean they’re easy to attain.

Most hiring managers and recruiters want accurate, online methods for assessing talent that are as short as possible. But is that always a good thing?

Manufacturing, construction, service, hospitality, and other blue-collar industries are among those with large workforces unlikely to spend the workday sitting at a desk with ready access to email and for whom scheduling large group meetings to present employee benefits offerings and open enrollment procedures is next to impossible.

As previously reported, both New York State and New York City recently enacted laws requiring employers to step up their efforts to stop sexual harassment in the workplace. These laws differ, but both require prompt action by employers.

I know this from personal experience: All the hard work recruiters do to land great talent can get washed away if the new employee has a bad onboarding experience when they start their new job.

Despite a positive outlook on retirement readiness, some employees are saying they regret the weekend brunches and lunchtime spa trips.

Jesse Jackson: Accidental CLO

Jesse Jackson, CLO of consumer and community banking at the multinational banking and financial services firm JPMorgan Chase & Co joined the bank’s management development program more than 25 years ago, starting as a teller and a banker. Jackson talks about his career path, how he became a CLO, and what he learned along the way.

Get your group away from the grind to unleash creativity, build meaningful relationships and share candid feedback.

These companies offer great benefits to part-time employees.

This isn't just a time to change your health insurance (but checking into your options for switching policies is always smart). Open enrollment gives you a chance to change other insurance coverage or opt-in to programs your employer offers that can save you more money.

We have spoken. What we want in the video conference calls of the future is…artificial intelligence. A recent industry survey of video conference users found that AI in communication is the way of the future and the most highly anticipated aspect of the technology’s evolution.

When it comes to building a healthy company, few attributes are more important than fostering a strong corporate culture. Your culture has a direct impact on the satisfaction of your employees, which in turn affects productivity, turnover, and other key factors that can make or break your profitability.

The Underlying Secret of How to Help People ‘Get Digital’

Laurence Smith, global head of digital transformation at, argues that digital cannot be ‘taught’, it has to be ‘experienced’. Here’s what you can do.

You can write a lively, fluid story. Your copy’s never sloppy. So what? Here’s how to become irreplaceable in your workplace.

Recent revelations about poor leadership behaviour powered by the #metoo movement are highlighting that despite policies, procedures and culture, employees still do not feel totally safe to share their observations, concerns and stories of unacceptable or downright abusive treatment without fear of reprisal. That is not acceptable.

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