Training & Development Articles

For HR departments, training employees to fit within government regulations is crucial. New advancements in communications are making it possible to train remote workers and spread compliance messages to hundreds of employees at once.

Fear not, recruiters and HR personnel! Robots, algorithms, and digital programs won’t be taking your job just yet. While employee onboarding videos and automated onboarding software is rapidly making an impact in the recruiting process, a balance must remain between automated solutions and a human touch.

At every company around the world, new employees are brought into the fold as the organization grows, changes and evolves. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017 closed out with 6 million job openings and 5.6 million hires. That’s great, but what’s not so good are the results of inadequate corporate communications systems.

Benefits communications can be overwhelming and difficult for workers to understand. Benefits Open Enrollments may be a stressful and dreaded experience for some employees. As a result, they give their employers low marks when it comes to communicating benefit communications and open enrollment.

I moved to California in January 2017. I had worked for the international office of an East Coast university for several years and landed the Bay Area with hope for a change.

“Ninety-one percent of Millennials (born between 1977-1997) expect to stay in a job for less than three years, according to the Future Workplace ‘Multiple Generations @ Work’ survey of 1,189 employees and 150 managers.” - Forbes

HR training videos, as we all know have, in many workplaces, taken the place or offered a significant supplement to in-person employee orientations. What is the advantage to moving training to a video platform?

New employees can bring a fresh perspective to your corporate culture and contribute in their own way, if they are encouraged.

Recruitment and selection is never easy because it invariably involves trusting a new person to join your team and do the job before you know them. Psychometric testing can lessen the guesswork of hiring and onboarding new staff.

With all the focus on what people do well, managers are failing to give critical feedback, and the results are troubling.

The D.C. event convened more than 900 small business owners, and it serves as a bellwether for the marketing challenges that businesses are facing across America.

The first 90 days of employment is known as the Orientation and Evaluation period. It can be a time for the company and the new employee to bond.

The Future of HR Positions

The human resources department has historically been responsible for strictly handling administrative tasks that allow day-to-day operations to run smoothly. Originally conceived to pay and recruit employees, HR now plays a significant role in organizational strategy.

Moving to a new company and corporate culture is difficult. Can you imagine moving to a new country and a new company?

The future of employee training and development

Virtual reality, augmented reality and cloud systems all offer countless new ways to conduct business training and skill-building for staff

Open Workplace. (Oh-pen wer-k-pl-ace.) Noun. An office where workplace communication flows between employees and superiors, freely allowing for an exchange of ideas, suggestions, and team bonding.

Part of being a hiring manager or supervisor is training employees. Too often, though, training employees fall short of expectations.

You can bring in all the talent you want to your organization, but all the ability in the world won’t work without a comprehensive employee onboarding system.

According to The Minnesota Association of Professional Employees June 2017 study, 19% of Americans are bullied, another 19% witness it. Overall, 60 million Americans are affected by it in the workplace.

While employee video communication can’t stop bullying on its own, it can help reduce incidents of workplace bullying by making your policies clear and more.

Employee benefits communication practices have evolved and gotten better for employers to help their workers sign up for healthcare benefits. As medical insurance focuses on HSAs, so too does the focus shift to flexibility as a desirable trait for all employee health benefits plans.

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