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Social Media & Millennials – What They Can Do For Your Business

25 June 2017
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How do you incorporate social media into your business model? Some veteran companies may not be sure how to answer that question, if they can answer at all; this is where millennials come into play.

The idea of posting every day on your business’ social media pages might seem unnecessary to some but in this day and age, it is EVERYTHING! It used to be all about paid advertising, media coverage and a flawless website design but now, we have an almost-free way to market our companies and it’s right at our fingertips.

Why do I believe millennials hold the key to this great deal of social media knowledge, you may ask? We grew up with social media, it has grown and evolved in front of our eyes and we have embraced it from day one. We started with AOL instant messenger, then Myspace, then Facebook, then Twitter and so on and so forth; we have seen them come and go but a majority of us have experienced these channels one way or another and continue to engage in them. We see the potential in these networks and we want to reap the benefits.

I have been working with social media for businesses for a few years now and have come to realize how much of a big deal this really is, almost a job in itself – this is where my company, Blonde Boss Media has come to fruition. Not only has social media taken over our media outlets, pretty much replacing traditional print sources, but it has changed how we view current events. Everyone at least has a personal social media page to keep up with friends and family but now businesses have learned to use it to their advantage. This is where your customers go to shop, to follow behind the scenes content, to view and compare services and to learn more about your company vision. Before they head to your website or call your direct number, a majority of your customers will view your social media pages first. It’s a constant, revolving door that is always changing and you must have the right expertise to be able to keep up with it in order to be successful. It’s more than liking a photo or posting a funny meme; it is a substantial tool that can ultimately make or break a business.

Now that you know the importance of social media for your business, I want to discuss the strategies that go into social media marketing.

1. It’s All About Consistency

Make sure you have a social media plan in place and figure out what times and days you will be posting your content. This needs to be a consistent schedule so you are always appearing on your followers’ newsfeed and they can expect you to post during that certain time frame. Have a brand personality in mind and keep it going throughout all of your pages, this will develop a brand identity.

2. Engagement is Key

Posting is important but if you just post and don’t engage with your follow social media peers, it’s not worth it. Follow a few companies that pertain to your industry and follow people in your area; this will allow you to see how they conduct their social media pages and allow you to show your support. I like to go on pages that focus on design, makeup, fashion and technology and leave comments on their pictures, just to put my name out there and potentially see if there could be a future partnership or new customer inquiry.

3. Use As an Definitive Information Hub for Your Business

Social media is great for instant content and keeping your customers in the loop. You don’t just use your pages to gain customers but to keep your current customers satisfied and continuously coming back. Customer service questions can be answered quickly and updates on new products or services can be posted right at the time of execution; this sense of personalized, immediate service will make your business more reputable. Not to mention if there are any complaints or bad reviews, you can always respond and show your followers that you are efficient and working to find solutions. Surveys and polls can also be performed on social media pages in order to gather the feedback you need to better your business.

Overall, social media is a major player in the business world right now and we must take full advantage of it. It’s our responsibility as the future generation to master this technique and encourage others to absorb it in their own way. Social media will change, tools & apps will fade in and out but we must continue to progress along with it and fill our minds with new social knowledge. Now it’s time to find out what channels suit your company’s goals, make a plan and get to posting!

Hannah Greenwood

Hannah Greenwood is 25 years old and originally from Manchester, NH. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from Barry University in Miami, FL. Hannah runs Blonde Boss Media, which helps small local businesses achieve their marketing goals. Hannah writes about Millennials in the workplace for ECC.

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