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A Video Communication Agency can Improve Internal Communication Content in These Three Ways

07 July 2017
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A good video communication agency can produce digital content for your internal communications system that can sometimes more clearly get your message across to employees and managers effectively. Here are three ways a video communication agency can make your internal communications content can’t-miss.

A video communication agency usually has several digital options for their clients to help them spread their internal communications content to as many employees as possible, and provide useful information to everyone in the organization.

While there are many ways organizations can improve their internal communications systems and messaging, but nothing gives employee engagement a kick in the pants like well-crafted digital video content. And that’s where a video communication agency comes in.

Here are three ways a video communication agency can kickstart your internal communications content and help HR do its job more effectively:

A Video Communication Agency Makes Common Company Knowledge Accessible to all

Part of the onboarding process and one of the reasons it can be so costly and time-consuming is that new employees not only have to fill out the paperwork and join the team dynamic already in play, they also have to learn the small protocols and tips that established employees take for granted.

For example, new employees might not know the exact procedure for marking up client-facing documents or internal memos, etc. A short video or digital postcard produced by a video communication agency can help make this information easily and quickly available to even the greenest employees.

Make the Goal, Mission, and Vision Clear and Concise

Of course this is a basic tenet in good internal communications content. Making the company mission, the short- and long-term goals of the company and the work groups clear, and showing how all of this can be achieved is the first step in establishing good internal communications habits.

A video communications agency can distill your company’s vision into a short, sweet video for all employees. With more and more millennials filtering into the workplace, having a short yet detailed video to show them the direction the company wants to take can engage these younger employees especially.

A Video Communication Agency Uses the Most Effective Tools

A key component of any internal communications content strategy these days is using the right tools and applications to convey information. Video communications can cut down on email overload with digital signage and instructional content. This content doesn’t always need to look like it was directed by Steven Spielberg, it just has to get the point across to as many employees, supervisors, managers, and even sometimes executives, as possible. A video communications agency can make that happen.

The main thing a video communications agency provides is easy-to-consume content that fits your company’s needs to a ‘T’. You can customize your video content to match up with your unique internal communications content needs and ensure it is as effective as possible.

Ben Renner

Ben Renner is an HR expert, writer, and Senior Editor of the Employee Communications Council. He has lived and managed his own business in Denver, Colorado since 2013. Connect with him on LinkedIn:

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