Corporate Culture Articles

Creating an atmosphere of excellence and purpose takes time and patience. So does building a support system that favors employees and allows them to do their best every day.

K2 Slideshow

New trends arrive as quickly in the HR world as they do in the fashion and style world. Sometimes, these trends require the HR executive's or business leader's full attention. Below are five trends breaking HR right now.

As Hurricane Harvey brings historic flooding to Texas, industry experts say employers have a very important role: to communicate benefits and other assistance to affected employees.

New Features Help Employees Select Optimal Health Plan and Reduce Their OOP Healthcare Expenses, granting easier access for all employees.

Get Involved to Learn: Video as a Teaching Tool

Learning is all about engagement. From an HR perspective, the more employees are involved and engaged, the more they'll take away from their communication efforts. One method for keeping engagement high is using video content to send messages and explain complex subjects. Here's why video helps people learn faster.

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