Recruitment & Retention Articles

After you've spent resources onboarding your new employees, the true task becomes retaining them. Finding top talent and keeping them around is what makes most growing businesses competitive. New technology and the changing workforce is shifting the age-old processes HR managers have relied on.

How to Recruit the Best Job Candidates

The accounting profession is changing, and that means the ways firms recruit and retain top-tier talent need to change, too. Recent graduates have much different expectations of work and career than a generation ago, and technology is changing the way that firms reach and develop relationships with potential new hires.

Employee benefits and compensation have started to become less important in the changing job marketplace, but they still remain a top reason why employees stay with an organization or leave. Making it easy for employees to use their benefits improves engagement and performance.

A firm that manages millions of job applications around the world suspects it has suffered a data breach.

It's predicted that automation will have a huge effect on the future of work, disrupting how U.S. companies recruit, hire and train workers, Axios reports. And without a national policy on automation's impact on jobs, or the duration of flat wages and future joblessness, businesses and municipalities across the country are trying to prepare for the possible takeover of hundreds of thousands of jobs, says Axios.

Progressive and forward-thinking companies are embracing diversity and inclusion as a viable way to stay relevant and maintain a stable and prosperous business. A diverse team will help you better understand different cultures and languages, which can strengthen your services and brand.

New legislation in Scotland will place a legal requirement on NHS boards and care services to have suitable staffing in place to ensure safe care.

Denise Goodman has been trying to figure out how to recruit foster parents for a long time. “I once recruited a foster home for Moses,” she joked in an interview with The Chronicle of Social Change.

Company scandals have been filling the headlines lately. As a result, jobseekers are more concerned about a company’s values. They want to work for an employer that aligns with what they believe is just and right.

That is, of course, something of a trick question. Retaining employees is a major part of building a strong operation, but retention of employees is not the primary goal of a business or other organization. Apple Computer may be good at retaining employees, but its top priority is to generate a profit for shareholders, and it does so by producing technology people want to buy. Because it is successful at making a profit with nifty iPhones and such, people like to work there. Yet, I am certain that there is a manager somewhere at Apple who has driven down morale and has lost some good people owing to a management style that does address employee retention.

If you want to make your workplace more attractive to today’s workers and keep them happy once they’re hired, your employees should feel a sense of inclusion. Because feeling a strong sense of belonging and comfort is so vital to a healthy company, recruitment and retention skyrockets when employees feel like they work in an office of inclusion.

Tackling the myths and reality of doctor recruitment, retention

In my column two weeks ago, I looked at what the Nova Scotia health authority’s been doing regarding the recruitment and retention of family doctors in this province.

Some companies view on-boarding as something to do that has little impact on the company other than allowing new-hires the opportunity to fill out numerous forms or read company policies and history. But employee onboarding is much more than this.

Miss. Senator Leading Effort to Help Navy Recruit Sailors Needed for 355-Ship Fleet

One by-product of workplaces spreading beyond office walls and to the coordination of many workers around the globe all at once is increasing diversity in workforces. Now, workplace diversity is a necessity for many companies. How can the Human Resources department help support everyone spread all over the globe be more productive and understood?

Skills for Care says the sector is “under extreme stress” as major cities lose workers to retail and hospitality industries.

President Trump has signed into law a bill that will allow Secret Service employees who have exceeded the legislative pay cap to get paid for their lost overtime hours.

When you’re in a toxic office situation, it’s easy to blame the boss. Managers have gotten away with uncivil work environments in the name of ‘getting things done’ for decades, but with the rising tensions in the workforce and the winds of change blowing, incivility can cost organizations much more than hurt feelings. In many cases, the costs of incivility spreading throughout a corporate culture outweigh the benefits of ‘getting things done.’

Businesses believe that pension provision is having a positive impact on recruitment and employee retention, according to a recent study, but opinions are divided on whether retirement savings are seen as more than just a nice-to-have.

Almost every week, we read in the news of a company's data security breach, and personal information used for employee benefits is vulnerable to crooks and identity thieves.

Business is rife with catch phrases, and has been for quite some time. Some are horrid clichés…”run it up the flagpole” or “drink the Kool-Aid.” In fact, in an article for Business Insider, Jacquelyn Smith found 26 catch phrases that are as annoying as the muddied use of the word “literally,” which is presently considered one of the most annoying and misused words in English.

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