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Employee Communications Council Blog

Insightful blog posts written by corporate communications professionals on ways to improve employee engagement, organizational change management and internal communication strategies

How do you feel when someone shows appreciation and recognition of a project you completed successfully? You feel good, proud, and valued. It builds your self-worth. Well, your employees, are just like you. They need and enjoy employee recognition and appreciation for the work they do for you every day.

Sometimes managing change in a younger workforce comes down to the corporate communication tools you have in place.

When applying for a job, one of the biggest things potential employees look for is a healthy benefits package, which includes vacation time, holidays, paid sick leave, paid personal time off, some retirement options, and health insurance.

Employee engagement tools are changing and becoming more efficient at conveying information by the day. One of the exciting new phenomena sweeping employee communication strategies and HR departments is the digital postcard. How can you use this tool to your advantage?

Employee rewards programs, at first glance, seem like the perfect budget-friendly way to reward employees for a job well done. After all, what employee doesn’t love praise and recognition? If you can make an employee feel rewarded with a plaque or a gift card, that’s always a good thing, right?

A recent survey of brand managers, internal communications staff, and corporate communications managers by Emperor and Communicate magazine illustrates a changing dynamic in how organizations view the importance of brand management as it relates to their employees, and the changes in internal communications software that this new dynamic might require.

Running a corporation has, since the days of the East India Trading Company, been a top-down exercise. Management gave orders, and everyone followed them. Whatever employee engagement surveys and corporate communications tools there might have been were largely seen as human resources activities designed to let employees vent, sort of a suggestion/complaint box on a grander scale. As a result, huge opportunities from a business improvement standpoint went sailing by.

Corporate communication tools come in all shapes and sizes. Many are cloud-based, allowing your employees to access their hubs and use them to reach the entire organization. Managers can use these portals to train employees, recognize employees, drive benefits enrollment, and much more, even with remote employees in a large organization.

Employee video communications using “digital video postcards” has been shown to improve overall employee engagement. The data collected and reported in Flimp Communications 2017 Employee Video Communications Report, proves it. Why are these campaigns so successful?

If you want to keep top-performing employees, you need to pay them well and what they are worth. Accurately paying an employee will make the employee stay loyal to you and not jump ship to a major competitor with open arms who will compensate them like you should have done. Companies that pay their employees well and explain their compensation plans with employee communication videos attract dedicated people who want to be a part of your team.

Internal employee communications is all about the proper training to get everyone on the same page.

All corporate communication tools are designed to help employers engage and communicate with their diverse employees. Recruiting millennials will take some extra corporate communications expertise.

Employee communication videos have become the latest fashionable internal communication channel across multiple industries in recent years. These videos and other digital internal communications channels work well because they convey information more easily and with greater efficiency than other, more traditional forms of internal communication and employee engagement. Animated explainer videos are becoming increasingly common because of their power to engage and explain.

Organizations with the best employee video communication in the world still lose valuable workers and mid-level managers due to terrible bosses. Here are four archetypes of bad bosses that send talented employees running for the hills and torpedo the best employee retention efforts.

Internal video communication has spread throughout many industries and organizations of all kinds like a virus. A good virus. Video communication comes in many forms, but it is almost always more effective than traditional internal communication, employee communication, and employee engagement strategies

One of the more rewarding aspects of internal employee communication is when communicators are called upon to rally the troops for volunteer activities in the name of corporate social responsibility. Cleaning out local parks, stocking supplies at a food pantry, serving meals at a homeless shelter, or any of the hundreds of other ways companies can pitch in to make a difference in their community.

The whole point of business is to grow, to increase market share and margins, to start generating profits and increasing pay for the employees while keeping them onboard with superior employee video communications. But growth isn't a straightforward proposition. The pace and management of growth is just as important. Grow too fast (Krispy Kreme comes to mind), and you may misconstrue the market situation. Grow too slowly (Dell Computers), and the opposition overtakes you.

A good video communication agency can produce digital content for your internal communications system that can sometimes more clearly get your message across to employees and managers effectively. Here are three ways a video communication agency can make your internal communications content can’t-miss.

“An engaged workforce is optimal from an organizational performance point of view.” - Peter J. Martel, senior talent development consultant at Harvard Business School (Harvard University)

Engaging your younger generations in the workplace is a whole different ball game from employee communication and employee engagement for others. It requires more mutual understanding and flexibility, something other generations aren’t always willing to fight for.

If your company is not using digital communications in the workplace, you are being left in the dark ages.

If there’s one thing that kills productivity, morale, and a company’s bottom line, it’s having to replace great employees. That’s why we need employee retention techniques.

There’s an old saying in the military that every battle plan, no matter how clever, gets torn up as soon as the fighting starts. The same sometimes goes for the best-laid plans in change management.

Business leaders have come to accept that workforce analytics and planning are important to internal communications and the future success of their companies. At the same time however, those who believe their companies are good at it are a small minority. Most C-suite executives acknowledge an execution gap between what workforce analytics can do for them and what they currently get from analytics and planning.

A team leader in any organization must not only get the message of management across to all team members, he or she has to foster better employee engagement, communication, and collaboration. In complex working environments with remote workers and cross-functional team members, team leaders can get better results from employee collaboration by following these basic principles.

How do you incorporate social media into your business model? Some veteran companies may not be sure how to answer that question, if they can answer at all; this is where millennials come into play.

The top job markets in the United States in terms of salary, employee compensation, employee retention, and onboarding efforts are the ones the demand the highest training. There’s a reason why these positions are highly sought-after and difficult to get into. If you make your company a privilege to work for, you’ll have huge competition for each position available.

An example of how a company completed its corporate culture change management mission effectively and efficiently.

If your employee engagement indicators have taken a dip recently, perhaps you’re not asking the right survey questions. Company executives too often get positive responses on their employee engagement surveys but find other indicators of employee engagement, like overall morale and productivity, sagging. You need employee engagement survey questions that get to the heart of the issues and provide useful metrics to guide your employee engagement strategy.

They sound like a good idea, but everyone who works in an open office hates open offices.

It doesn’t take a genius or a Harvard psychology study to know that high employee compensation makes for happier employees. It’s like studying the effect of mutually beneficial relationships on our overall happiness. Small businesses are often faced with a choice to provide their employees with top compensation packages from the start, or relying on more employees working for lower wages. Given enough time, companies with higher compensation packages are more successful.

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