Employee communications

Employee communications is becoming more common in HR departments across all industries. As the workforce and the nature of work itself are shifting, technology needs to shift with it. See what video communication technology can do for you.

Why Digital Communications Matter

05 July 2017
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If your company is not using digital communications in the workplace, you are being left in the dark ages.

Businesses that do not utilize emails, social media, text messaging, web applications or apps, video and other digital-based technology for internal communications, have a limited presence, and many people believe they do not exist. Digital communication is no longer optional, it is mandatory to succeed in today's business environment. It does matter to your business.

Since the start of the 21st century, the impact of digital communications has continued to grow. Digital communication is a major way to engage with your customers or clients Also, it is a smart and convenient way to engage with your employees. Savvy companies realize that they cannot survive without digital communications in a digital world. Companies have to embrace the new technology and use it to grow their businesses while helping their employees in various areas such:

  • Engagement
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Productivity

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is an emotional attachment to the company that goes beyond getting a paycheck. It causes the employee to embrace the company as their own. They are excited about coming to work each day and being a valued contributor. In fact, a study by the Workplace Research Foundation reveals that companies who continuously engage their workers at work will cause their employees to take fewer sick days each year as compared to companies who do not have a strong engagement strategy. One way to accomplish an effective employee engagement program is through communication and digital technologies are opening up new and creative ways to achieve this goal in the workplace.

When face-to-face communications cannot be achieved due to geographical differences or other barriers, digital communication techniques are the answers to keeping you engaged with your employees and they engaged with you. This can take place through company e-Newsletters and other digital tools to keep everyone connected and in the know about the developments within the company.

Furthermore, digital communication helps companies create and nurture business relationships around the globe and operate throughout the world in a very convenient fashion. Digital communication allows companies the opportunity to tap into employee talent located across the global by utilizing the latest technology in enterprise photo and video sharing.

Systematically placing digital screens in busy parts of the work facility such as the break-room, kitchen or lobby areas can help ensure that corporate messages or communications are being obtained and retained by the employee. The digital screens can display new product information, showcase business successes or motivate workers to do their best. All of these digital messages will influence your employees and keep them engaged in the activities and goals of the company.

Healthy Work/Life Balance

Employers should always aim to create a work environment that promotes a healthy work/life balance. A study by PwC found that millennials find work/life balance a significant factor in their lives. You can use your digital screens to announce the next company night out, dinner or social event. Digital communication technologies can create remote or work-at-home opportunities in the company that will impact the work/life balance of an employee. Establishing a healthy work/life balance will help your employees perform better at work and foster loyalty to the company. They will respect an employer who respects their life outside the office environment.


All companies want to make sure their employees are delivering productivity with the highest level of efficiency. Digital communication platforms can gauge and monitor the productivity of your employees and help employees become more productive in their work assignments. You can come up with your own unique and customized digital platforms for employee productivity.

Global companies such as SAP has utilized digital technology for many years to increase employee productivity across different time zones and locations. SAP’s internal technological platforms, like SuccessFactors allow employees to tailor technology tools to gauge and support personal productivity of the team members.

Digital Communications are in Demand

More and more millennials are entering the workforce. These individuals born between 1982 and 2004 are using digital communication in their personal lives and demanding it in their professional lives, too.

Companies who want to attract these workers should listen to their demands, and create young leaders with the digital skills to lead in today's growing digital environment that is not going to go away. Digital communication does matter, and it matters a lot to your employees and your survival in business.

Eric Brown

Eric Brown is a writer, reporter, and television talk-show host. He researches and writes about many different employment topics. Eric has interviewed a variety of human resources specialists and employment experts for television programs. He has been a television host and commentator for several television shows and networks.

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