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When Mission Doesn't Matter

We've all seen it happen. It's like a scene from a movie. The boss introduces the company's new mission statement. It's a great speech full of noble ideas and inspirational language. There's even colorful new signage with eye-catching graphic design.

Human resources professionals are in the business of people. Unfortunately, it’s all-too-easy to get caught up in the day-to-day minutiae of retirement plans, PTO logs, and annual reviews, at the expense of initiatives that engage and motivate staff.

With global employee collaboration and connectivity on the rise, video has increasingly become one of the premier platforms for learning and development programmes. Organisations are looking to meet the L&D needs of an increasingly diverse workforce, and video is a cost-effective and engaging way to achieve that.

To get a sense of what to expect on the employee health and wellness front in 2018, it’s useful to look back on the trends that were gaining momentum last year.

Rising healthcare costs continue to plague employers and employees alike, so it should come as no surprise that participation in high deductible health plans (HDHP) grew by more than 60% last year.

Why Flexible Working Saves Businesses Money

Firstly let’s confirm what flexible working is, previously flexible working requests were only open to parents and carers but following the Modern Workplace consultation in June several years ago, the uk Government made it available to all.

The Role of Community in Modern Branding

The idea of community has become a major focus of brands in many verticals. While traditional methods of marketing still have their place, community-building is now a critical part of any holistic branding strategy.

Is Every Company Soon to be an 'Artificial Intelligence' Company?

A few years back the quote 'Every company is a technology company' made the rounds on social media and in presentations on the workplace, the future of work, and in probably too many TED talks to try and compile.

As more and more young people join the workforce, companies must be prepared to adapt to the changing times. A new study has revealed that companies who are more technologically inclined have a better chance at retaining and attracting younger workers.

Conflict resolution in the workplace can be broken down into steps to simplify the process. By doing so, HR and managers can ensure more effective communication and a more effective conflict resolution process.

Being able to tell misconduct apart from poor performance isn’t necessarily rocket science. But the differences often confuse managers, and that can cause missteps when they’re addressed.

Live broadcasts, personalized messages, animated explainers, testimonials and tutorials are all worthy of investment.

The back office is much-neglected when it comes to digital transformation.

What does it take to keep your Millennials engaged in their work -- even at the entry level?

While living in a world of noise where we receive messages 24/7, it is easy to overlook the importance of connecting, engaging and building trust with our listeners.

The psychological contract is a concept that describes the understandings, beliefs, and commitments that exist between an employee and an employer. Although it is unwritten and intangible, it represents the mutual expectations that are felt between the two.

Leaders need to be vigilant, more than any other time in our history, about the culture they are creating.

Innovation, productivity, and sustainable growth are a handful of typical priorities for HR leaders and executive teams. So why is there a huge disconnect between what employers and employees believe is necessary to support these priorities?

As January raced away from us, so too did those noble plans for healthy eating, more exercise and trimming down the weight. It’s a perfect time for employers to lend a hand and offer their employees support to stick to their new year’s resolutions, to help them stay healthy and happy in 2017 and every year.

While the number of women taking on jobs and motherhood worldwide increases, becoming a new mother while climbing the corporate ladder is difficult even in modern times. Many new moms are millennial women who were raised as dreamers — led to believe they can be and do anything. These women grew up trusting they could have it all.

According to a 2014 PwC Report titled “Project Management: Improving Performance, Reducing Risk”, only 25pc of companies successfully complete all their projects, 57pc of projects fail due to a breakdown in communications, while 39pc fail due to lack of planning and resources.

In this day and age, we have myriad modes of communication. Often, we default to what’s easiest, or what we know best, not what’s most effective.

High-deductible health plans (HDHPs) can save your company a lot of money… but only if your employees enroll in them over other plans you offer. Educating employees about HDHPs and how they work is the best way to increase enrollment in these cost-saving plans, but what does that entail?

Organizations are investing in talent development now more than ever. According to LinkedIn's 2017 Workplace Learning Report, talent is the top priority for 69 percent of learning and development (L&D) professionals. And despite the rise of new learning technologies, a majority of L&D professionals—78 percent—say in-house, instructor-led classes are still the primary way they teach employees.

A very recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management, found that 76 percent of non-manager employees who experienced sexual harassment at work within the last year, did not report it. But now, a new HR chatbot, Spot, has been launched, which aims to help reluctant employees log instances of sexual harassment at work, via an anonymous and impartial 3rd party.

Keeping your entire staff informed can seem daunting, but a regular compilation of updates, profiles and events can do so thoroughly and efficiently. Here’s advice on getting it right.

MVC 2018: Staff Training Done Right

After experiencing poor and frustrating customer service at various businesses, restaurants and retail stores time and time again, David Haeussler, DVM, CEO of Animal Care Centers in Ohio, decided he wanted his veterinary practices to be different.

Face time and feedback are essential for doing business, but group gatherings can easily become a wasteful nuisance. Here’s how to stay productive, efficient and upbeat.

Wellness programs may be more about brand building than employee health, but that’s OK.

Communication is the key to success for any business. Technologies that promise to enhance the way people communicate in a business environment have always found quick adoption among enterprises. VoIP, because of the tremendous transformation it has brought to the business communications sphere, has fared no differently.

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