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The how and why of gauging the effectiveness of your messages to employees can be elusive. Here is solid guidance.

Recruiters are having a hard time these day to find the right talent due to the dearth of good talent. Applicants have more of an upper hand, being able to choose one company over another if it suits their preference.

Many types of benefits offer financial protection and peace of mind for employees, speakers from Mercer explained in a webcast.

Financial stress is a leading cause of lost productivity, unplanned absences and greater distractions, but benefit utilization of financial wellness programs remain low.

Impact on Employee Compensation and Benefits

Founders of America's fastest-growing companies share their secrets.

(CNN)Our prisons are broken. The United States is home to 4.4% of the world's population but nearly 25% of the world's inmates. And while the goal of incarceration is to produce law-abiding and rehabilitated citizens, 75% of released prisoners are arrested again after five years.

So, what event brings together advocacy, engaged human resources professionals, legislators…and deep fried cheese curds? If you guessed Wisconsin’s 2018 Day on the Hill, you would be correct!

13 of the Most Bizarre Sick Day Excuses

HR departments are perpetually putting out fires and just such a fire is covering someone’s department when they call in sick.

Harnessing the People Factor

Since PERSOLKELLY Consulting (formerly Intelligence SMC Consulting) was set up some 20 years ago, the company has successfully established itself as a leader in HR consultancy for Japanese companies in Hong Kong.

The founders of Invisalign weren’t dentists. Uber wasn’t created by Taxi drivers. Airbnb wasn’t created by hoteliers. And yet now they dominate their industries after completely upending them.

Goldman Sachs Pledges 50% of Women Employees on Global Rolls

In an email to employees on 15 March, Goldman Sachs’ CEO Lloyd Blankfein and COO David Solomon have committed to having 50% of women in the company’s workforce globally.

HR Challenges Under Family Business

‘As you sow, so shall you reap’, a popular idiom proves its worth in multi-faceted avenues. It presses best when we experience change management in family-owned businesses in this era of perfect competition. There, the bloodline and their decisions most of the time cost opportunities at the market place and sometimes they do lose valuable talent.

How HR Professionals are Fooled by Lying Candidates

It might not surprise you that candidates are not 100% truthful on their resumes but the extent to which they are getting away with it, definitely will.

You’ve seen it before: an employee comes into work, but gets so little done they might as well have stayed home. These unproductive days can really add up.

The Hackett Group’s 2018 Key Issues Study Also Finds Shortfalls In HR’s Ability to Support Enterprise Goals, Plus Gaps in Critical HR Capabilities

As an HR professional, your day is filled with a variety of tasks. While some can be completed on your own, many require communication with others. For many years, HR professionals have relied heavily on email, phone calls, and face to face communication. While these methods remain popular in today’s day and age, advanced.

How to Manage Change Management

It is believed that organizational culture change provides meaning, direction and clarity that will make the business to achieve its goals. But it is necessary that cultural change should happen from time to time to ensure that it fits the environment in which the business operates.

Massachusetts employers will face new obligations regarding pregnant women and new mothers when the state’s new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) takes effect on April 1.

Uber Inc. and its health-care partner, Stride Health, want to make sure the Labor Department considers workers in the gig economy when drafting its final rule for the expansion of association health plans.

It’s Time to Re-Educate Ourselves

One of the first stories I worked on at Human Resources was titled: “Most Hongkongers believe robots will take jobs away.” The topic of AI and automation has come up in nearly every interview I have had in the past few months in discussing the future of HR.

Data driven solutions such as media monitoring could be the next big step in service solutions for utility companies across the Caribbean.

The more I study agile and how agile concepts apply to the corporate compliance function, the more I see how agile can help to operationalize a corporate compliance function.

The following are highlights of a broad, industrywide study of the impact and implications of sexual harassment across professional communities, including banking, payments, mortgages, financial advisory, accounting, health care, employee benefits and capital markets (including municipal finance and M&A advising).

Cash is no longer king—at least for younger workers. Don’t skimp on benefits such as health insurance, paid time off and flexible scheduling.

Despite the trepidation of many top execs, employees working remotely are more engaged and productive. The technologies are already in place, so use them. Here are four tips to get started.

Check the culture before making decisions

Sometimes in business one wonders what prompted some executive, department or committee to bring forth a new idea that falls flat on its face and only worsens the corporate culture?

Organizational leaders and human resources executives have faith that merging artificial intelligence (AI) into HR functions like onboarding and administration of benefits can and will improve the overall employee experience.

You’ve probably heard of how millennials are taking over the workforce, creating drastic changes in offices and the very nature of work itself. As a result of Generation Y entering careers and the workforce over the past decade or so, companies have to compete to lure up-and-coming talent, and employee benefits is one way to do that.

It’s easy to talk about diversity and inclusion in abstract terms. What’s harder is to take that talk and turn it into action.

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