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Employees are taking more time off—and employers are encouraging them to do so—but many in the workforce are still giving away nearly $600 worth of work time annually.

Diversity Insight: Not only must you be vigilant in preventing workplace sexual harassment in the age of #MeToo, but you also may face an uphill battle in defending against gender-based pay discrimination claims under the Equal Pay Act (EPA), according to a new decision from the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals—which covers Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Amid a torrent of information in the industry today, verbal prowess is essential for success. Follow these guidelines to step up your game and stand out in an increasingly crowded field.

At some point in our lives we lose our innocence and naivety. We become afraid of being judged. We allow this fear to take over, which results in missed opportunities.

Hiring and keeping star employees is every organization's goal and comes with several challenges. Perhaps the biggest of which is just that -- it's every organization's goal.

Comcast may be best known for NBC and cable TV, but it is also spending a lot of time figuring out how to tackle employee credit card debt, student loans and barriers to creating an emergency savings fund.

We Can do Better

Why is medical insurance seen by most as an “I’ve got to have it” benefit, while disability income protection is viewed as a “why do I need it” benefit? Why do we fail to counsel employers to consider disability income protection when this is such a basic need?

That is, of course, something of a trick question. Retaining employees is a major part of building a strong operation, but retention of employees is not the primary goal of a business or other organization. Apple Computer may be good at retaining employees, but its top priority is to generate a profit for shareholders, and it does so by producing technology people want to buy. Because it is successful at making a profit with nifty iPhones and such, people like to work there. Yet, I am certain that there is a manager somewhere at Apple who has driven down morale and has lost some good people owing to a management style that does address employee retention.

A boss’ job is to direct and lead his team towards a common goal that is consistent with the overall business message. A boss’ job is to instruct and give necessary feedback to improve the workings of employees. Most importantly, a boss’ job is to ensure the belief in what the company stands for and encourage others to become as passionate as he/she is.

Aside from accommodations to fulfill minimum legal requirements, there are many reasons to take the extra step and improve communications with bilingual or non-English-speaking workers.

Everywhere you turn in 2018, people are talking about politics. That includes your workplace. Since President Donald Trump’s election in November 2016, it seems like you can’t escape the constant drumbeat of other people’s political messages. With so much political talk in the air, what can an employer do to ensure that its employees’ speech is appropriate without violating their rights?

In a game-changing ruling, California expanded protections for workers, placing the burden on employers to prove that workers are independent contractors, not employees.

Connection is a key to employee engagement because we connect with our organizations through the people with whom we work, the mission and values of the organization, and the work we perform.

Screening candidates via text messaging expedites the hiring process and enables recruiters to align their outreach with the communication preferences of today’s on-the-go workforce.

With more employers embracing the bring-your-own-device approach, your in-house education offerings must be accessible on mobile devices. Don't be stuck in the past.

In the world of entertainment, relationships are the key to success. While this is true in all business, it has unique relevance in Hollywood.

As the CEO of Artist Uprising, I have come across many lessons about millennials in the business. From my internal employees to the artists my company works with, I’m passionate about propelling people into roles that set them up for success. Companies often come to me asking why they are not attracting the millennial generation.

If you want to make your workplace more attractive to today’s workers and keep them happy once they’re hired, your employees should feel a sense of inclusion. Because feeling a strong sense of belonging and comfort is so vital to a healthy company, recruitment and retention skyrockets when employees feel like they work in an office of inclusion.

Accenture earned top honors, the Outstanding Talent Activation Award By personalizing the new joiner experience, Accenture ensures this “moment that matters” to each person reflects their role, location, experience, and any number of factors.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are two tax-advantaged vehicles that can help employees pay for their medical costs. With annual health care expenses reaching more than $10,000 per person on average, understanding these options is important for financial as well as physical wellness.

The findings of the Harvey Nash HR survey indicate that while HR is surely playing an active role in helping organizations adapt to the change underway, a lot more needs to be done. How is HR changing? Read here.

Previously, video calling was only available between two parties, but moving forward, we should be able to bring in groups of at least four.

The Rise of Agile Management

Everything from Nordstrom to Jeep, Amazon to SoundCloud – from Walmart to Skype – from Expedia to Delta, companies have all moved to an agile development process, which has radically changed delivery cycles – and the focus on the user experience is unprecedented.

Some companies view on-boarding as something to do that has little impact on the company other than allowing new-hires the opportunity to fill out numerous forms or read company policies and history. But employee onboarding is much more than this.

When it comes to a career, it’s not all about the money. There’s the value of the work itself, the environment in which you work, and of course the benefits that come with the paycheck. But the money is still important.

Health and financial wellness is a term we sometimes use to describe ‘extra’ employee benefits—that is, beyond the standard health insurance and retirement plans many companies offer as baseline benefits to their employees. But these ‘extra’ benefits are increasingly becoming the standard for many companies. Which of these benefits are essential and why should you offer them?

Each installment of VC Daily’s Future of Video Conferencing interview series gets an industry leader’s take on how video conferencing is changing their industries now and what new video conferencing technology might mean for the future.

Bringing new employees onboard continues to lack a very welcoming aura, according to a survey that reinforces the unpleasant experience that workers often have.

Twenty-something founders are crowding around health food, influencer marketing, and services for minority groups, according to the results of Inc.'s annual 30 Under 30.

For the average person, data without a narrative is like a trip into the wilderness without a compass: overwhelming and disorienting. But when the facts are tied together by a good story, an otherwise intimidating journey turns into an enriching experience.

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