Employee Benefits & Compensation Articles

Retaining and attracting the best employees means offering more than competitive salaries. Thoughtful and useful benefits packages set up employees and your business for success. Just make sure you build communications systems that make it easy for your employees to sign up.

How Employee Benefits Can Help You Find the Best New-Hires

18 December 2017
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Did you know that the employee benefits you offer employees can help you find the best new hires?

Everyone wants to work for a company that has a good reputation in the employee benefits department. These are the companies you hear employees in the workforce singing high praises about in employment surveys. Employees all over the world have great respect for these companies.

You can be one of the companies that employees talk about, too if you offer employee benefits that go beyond the ordinary. Yes, you should offer the standard benefits, such as health insurance and retirement. But you need to go beyond the obvious with creative benefits and strategies to attract the best workers.

Great Benefits Can Make You a Great Place to Work

Companies that offer exceptional employee benefits make the list of the best companies to work for. A common trait of the companies on the “best companies to work for” lists is offering superior employee benefits that attract the best workers and make them want to stay with those companies. Here are some employee perks you can incorporate into your package that may help you make the list next year.

  • Free child care
  • On-site health care facilities
  • Gym and recreation centers
  • Company-sponsored wellness programs
  • Unlimited sick time
  • Flexible or remote work schedules
  • Tuition Assistance Programs
  • Paid Maternity and Paternity Leave

Your Employee Benefits Package Can Give You an Advantage

As the economy picks up and improves, employees have more control. During the recent recession when jobs were scarce, it was an employer's market. Now the pendulum has swung to the other side, and employees are in the driver's seat. As a result, companies are now looking at ways to attract and retain good employees. Your workers benefits package can give you the leverage to win over top talent and keep them from jumping ship to the competition.

Savvy employees are becoming more strategic in their benefits packages. Holiday bonuses are on the rise. As we approach the holiday season, more companies are considering offering their employees bonuses. Surveys suggest that nearly 80 percent of employers are giving their employees a Christmas bonus. A year-end Christmas bonus is a great way to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work throughout the year, and it can motivate employees to continue to be productive in the new year.

According to studies by Randstad USA, holiday bonuses and promotions are effective ways to keep your employees engaged in their jobs and the company. Celebrate and share the success of the company this holiday season through Christmas bonuses and extra perks for your employees.

‘Tis the Season to Throw Out the Old and Bring in the New

The end of the year is a good time to revamp your employee benefits packages for the following year. Keep what is right, bring in new perks, and throw out what is old and useless.

Talk with your employees to find out what they want in a benefits package. Tweak your plan to their perfection, and you too may be a company that employees are talking about and singing high praises as one of the top companies to work for in 2018. Improving your employee benefits offerings can change the culture and productivity of your company and attract the best new hires to your team.

Eric Brown

Eric Brown is a writer, reporter, and television talk-show host. He researches and writes about many different employment topics. Eric has interviewed a variety of human resources specialists and employment experts for television programs. He has been a television host and commentator for several television shows and networks.

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