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Branding and Content: How Your Company Presents Itself is Crucial to Employee Communications

12 November 2018
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Why is branding and content important? If you think of your ‘brand’ as your reputation, your ‘brand’ as an employer should be positive. A positive brand means a positive reputation, and your employee communications tactics will work better, and you’ll get better job candidates.

“Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room” – True Business Quotes

Do you ever wonder what potential employees are saying about your company? Are your marketing efforts portraying your business in the most positive light? The answers to these questions will ultimately determine your recruitment outcome. When your brand message and personality is consistent and encompasses your company values - potential recruits, competitors and customers will find you more credible. How do you do that exactly? Let’s dive in.

Why is it Important to have a Content and Branding Strategy that Caters to Incoming Staff?

  1. To give the recruit(s) and idea of what the workplace entails
  2. To provide confidence in the recruits about their decision to work for your company
  3. To prove credibility and authenticity

Being able to provide a platform for potential hires to reference is imperative because that is how they get to know your business. Whether it be on your website, through your blog content, on your social media pages or any type of advertising – your company values must echo throughout. The most successful businesses excel because they are self-aware and understand what their brand and content represent, thus, they can properly market it on various channels, emphasizing factors, such as employee communications, that they need to reach specific audiences

With online media taking over traditional marketing in 2018, Millennials and Generation Z are taking advantage of these platforms to find their new careers. They look at companies differently than other generations have in the past.

We inspect these establishments online to make sure they have a website and see if they update it and if they are aware of the newest technologies. Their branding and content are also scrutinized because there are so many businesses doing the same thing and we want to find what stands out! Particularly on social media, we check to see if you are posting consistently, what type of content you are posting and if your posts are more serious or a good mixture of both work and play! The way we view companies on these platforms is how we chose which workplace would match our workstyle and if we would enjoy the projects your company takes on. In a sense, we are interviewing you before you get to interview us.

So, How can You Keep Your Millennial Hires Interested with Your Company Branding?

1. Make sure your website and social media pages are up and running

It’s unsettling for employees searching for a company online and finding an outdated website or a Facebook page that hasn’t been updated since last year! Make sure you are consistently making the necessary updates.

2. Emphasize the importance of your core values throughout

Once you have developed your core values for your business, put them EVERYWHERE! This consistency will make your business memorable. Potential hires want to know what you’re all about and the core values is your prelude.

3. Be engaging and responsive online

Now that you have a consistent online presence, make sure you are always responding to customers and engaging with colleagues online. Prospects will see that you take pride in your work and want to make a difference in people’s lives, and for a millennial hire – that’s a huge plus!

4. Make sure your blog content is consistent and relevant

If you can write a weekly or monthly blog, make sure you find a time to post and STICK TO IT! Also, make sure your branding and content aligns with your values and your industry! Content creation is huge in the marketing realm and when millennials see that you are keeping up on yours, it gives them confidence in working for you.

5. Show your true personality

Don’t take yourself so seriously. Even the major corporations are finding fun, creative ways to attract potential employees. Be transparent and have fun with what your company is doing – younger hires will appreciate this and will be more excited to work for you!


Branding is simple when you think about it. It embodies everything your company represents and how you want to be portrayed to the world. It helps new hires get a sense of what the business is about, gives them confidence in your brand message, and provides you with the credibility to gain the most successful hires. The way we can keep millennials on our hire lists is to be progressive and make sure our brand content, values and personality are constant. The way we see your brand is the deciding factor to our future

Hannah Greenwood

Hannah Greenwood is 25 years old and originally from Manchester, NH. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from Barry University in Miami, FL. Hannah runs Blonde Boss Media, which helps small local businesses achieve their marketing goals. Hannah writes about Millennials in the workplace for ECC.

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