Employee communications

Employee communications is becoming more common in HR departments across all industries. As the workforce and the nature of work itself are shifting, technology needs to shift with it. See what video communication technology can do for you.

Tips for Effective Open Enrollment Communication

02 August 2018
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Every HR professional understands that employee benefits are one of the biggest reasons employees choose one job over another, and your company provides great benefits—a quality health insurance plan, for example. In fact, Open Enrollment is coming up, so naturally your employees should all be lining up to take part in your health insurance plan.


If you’re offering great benefits that employees can take advantage of during Open Enrollment, the next step is letting people know about them. I know that might sound really simple, but how you communicate at the beginning of Open Enrollment and your employee benefits is just as important as what’s in them. A few simple but incredibly useful tools can take your Open Enrollment communication from going straight in the recycle folder to being shared all around the office organically.

Video production

Video production engages the attention of employees better than static text. Video is used to communicate complicated ideas in an interesting way using much less time than a plain email. After all, it can take days or weeks to read a long novel, but a movie gets the same message across in just two hours while engaging more of the senses.

Flimp can handle any level of video production that your company requires with packages that suit your needs. If you want something that gets the job done quickly, Flimp offers simple short-form explainer videos that are ready in a small amount of time with minimal fuss. These videos come from basic pre-produced videos in Flimp’s library to premium videos incorporating your company’s unique branding and culture.

Additionally, Flimp offers long-form presentation videos for when content needs more detail for in-depth purposes such as training. For these videos, you supply the content and let Flimp know if you want them to simply convert your information to a video slide show or really dial up the custom creativity to capture your audience’s attention right from the start.

Digital Communications

Flimp digital postcards are an interactive way to give your employees large amounts of information in an intuitive and engaging way. These digital postcards are essentially ‘microsites’ that function as a targeted website to get across your open enrollment communication.

What makes digital postcards special?

  • The ability to easily integrate video into your video postcard,
  • Accessing responsive information easily from a mobile device,
  • The ability to update content without having to resend it, and
  • Being able to track your employees’ response to and engagement with your video postcard in real time.

That last feature is one of the most useful of digital communications because you can tell what works and what doesn’t for catching and keeping employee attention right away. This ability to tweak the layout/content of your digital postcard will make your open enrollment communication more effective every minute.

Want to see a digital postcard for yourself? You can send a digital postcard sample to yourself and see how much easier they are to use than traditional Open Enrollment communication.

Benefits Decision Support

Open Enrollment communication starts by letting employees know what their health insurance options are, but then your employees have to actually make a decision. Making that decision can be tough if your employees are not health insurance experts. How do you keep this indecision from paralyzing your employees out of taking advantage of your company’s open enrollment?


PLANselect is a great tool that helps employees choose a health plan that gets them the most value for the lowest dollar amount based on their individual needs. All your employees have to do is answer a few simple multiple-choice questions and Flimp’s algorithms will tell them the pros and cons of the health insurance plans your company has available. This decision support takes the guesswork out of picking a health insurance plan. Once your employees are confident in which health insurance option is right for them your sign ups should skyrocket, which really is the ultimate metric of effective Open Enrollment communication.

Elizabeth Woodard

Liz Woodard is an office veteran who's fascinated by office dynamics and believes that applied behavioral psychology can go far towards managing a company well. Find her at http://www.lizwoodard.com/.

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